• Frequently Asked Questions 


How do I place an order?

  • Step 1: Add the desired item and quantity to your shopping cart.
  • Step 2: Click the shopping cart icon.
  • Step 3: Review your order and click Checkout.
  • Step 4: Confirm your shipping details and payment method, and complete the payment.

How can I track my order?

  • We will send you a confirmation email once your order has been placed and has shipped. Please Sign into ‘My Account’ and click ‘Order History’ to check your order status. You can choose to email us at info@auricollection.com to get information on your order.

Can I make changes to my order after I purchased?

  • If you wish to cancel your order, please do so through your order confirmation email. Once your order has left the warehouse, we are unable to make any changes and you must wait until it is delivered.


What size should I order?

  • Our size guide is a general guideline for recommending what size we think is best, but keep in mind that some pieces might fit differently depending on the styles, such as oversized sweatshirts and t-shirts which run bigger than the general guidelines. If you have any questions about specific measurements please contact us at info@auricollection.com so we can make sure you're satisfied with your decision.

What kind of quality guarantee do you offer on your products? 

  • We only sell products that we believe to be of high quality and reliability. Before shipping each product to our customers, one of our teams will conduct a detailed check of the items to ensure the highest quality.


 What types of payments do you accept?

  • We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Meta Pay, and PayPal.
  •  For credit cards, please note the billing address entered on your order must match the billing address on file with your bank, otherwise our system might think it's fraud.

What do I do if my payment failed?

  • If you are experiencing error messages when making a payment, please be sure you have entered the correct details by double-checking your information. Check with your bank to ensure there are no problems with your account. After this, please contact our customer service here and submit details, we will investigate further.


Where do you ship to?

  • We ship globally to all destinations that our carriers provide service to. Please visit our Shipping Policy page for more information.

When will my order arrive?

  • Orders typically arrive within 7 to 15 days for Standard Shipping and within 5 to 10 days for Express Shipping. Once your order has shipped, we will send you an email with tracking information.

Why do I not see a tracking update?

  • As some packages are shipped internationally, you may not see updates via local couriers until the package is cleared by local customs and entry is granted into your country. If your order is still under the estimated delivery time frame, please wait patiently. Once this process has been completed, you will be able to see tracking updates.

My package says delivered, but I didn't receive it?

  • Please check your mailbox thoroughly and ask your neighbors if they have your package. For more details, you can contact the courier company, and of course you can also contact us for help.

The tracking service shows that the attempted delivery of my parcel was unsuccessful. What can I do?

  • Typically this is due to an incomplete/incorrect shipping address or the courier does not have access to the delivery location. Please contact the courier to reschedule a delivery of your package.

         RETURN & REFUND

What is your Return Policy?

  • We have a 14-day return policy, which means you have a maximum of 14 days from the date you've received all your purchased items in the same order to submit the return request. For more information regarding our return policy, please check out our Refund Policy page.

What should I do if there's something wrong with my order?

  • Please contact us ASAP. Email us with your order number and detailed information regarding the problem and provide pictures if there is any quality issue: info@auricollection.com

When will I receive my refund?

  • After your return has been processed and returned to our facilities, please estimate up to 7-10 days for the refund to return to your bank account. As always, we will send you an email once your return package has been received and your refund is on the way to your bank account. If you haven't received an email from us within 28 days, please contact us.